Garden Curiosities and other garden stuff

Selected garden problems that have popped up. Some cool things here!

Crazy Clover, Mean Green Eating Machines, Weird Carrots—lots of fun mysteries!

The stars of today’s crime investigation are two very sad rhododendrons. You’ll also get a peek into the last days of some unwelcome visitors—odorous house ants. And what’s eating those cabbage and kale roots? Come and solve the mysteries!

See some of the highlights from gardens near you! Try your hand at diagnosing these plant problems!

Lots on tab today. rotting baby zucchini, black-bottomed tomatoes, yellowing blueberry leaves, stippled lavender leaves, peony problems—come along with us and solve the mysteries!

Jennifer Mendoza, Program Coordinator of the Cowlitz County Noxious Weed Control Program, and 2020 Master Gardener gave a great presentation about some old enemies, and introduced us to some new ones. Find out how to make them not feel so welcome!

Master Gardener Kathy Schlaefli shows a tried-and-true way for successfully starting plants from seed. A brief, beautifully filmed video will walk you through all the steps.

So you like that squash you planted this year? Or the tomato or pepper? Or you want to save some bucks buying seeds next season? Just like learning new garden skills? There are some basics you should know to be successful!