Homegrower Help and News

Meeting Minutes

Jan 24, 2024

What’s being grown by homegrowers

Important info

Tips for Homegrower Caretakers—be sure to read this—it’s really good!

  • Seeds, pots, soil, and stakes will be available.

  • The home growers will not duplicate the greenhouse growers. (list of plants being grown in greenhouse)

  • Home growers need to maintain their plants until the sale.

  • Home grower plants will be inspected prior to the sale.   

Here is a list of plants to give you ideas of what you might grow for the sale:

When to Plant:

Note—this list will be updated to give planting information for herbs and flowers.

  • Mid-January: herbs (basil, marjoram, oregano, thyme, and rosemary) and perennials

  • Early/ mid-February: tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, artichoke, ground cherry. 

  • Mid-March: herbs (parsley, cilantro, sage, and chives), annuals, and native plants should be started

  • Mid-to late March: kale

  • Late March to early April: onions, leeks, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage

  • Mid-April: salad bowls, leafy greens

  • April 25 to May 1: summer and winter squash (These grow fast and are prone to flopping over.), pumpkins, cucumbers.