2022 Archive Plant Sale Notes


Plant Sale Documents

Volunteer Signups

Meeting Minutes

Presale Handouts/lists

Photo and Video Memories

Home Grower News

Greenhouse New

Duties of Greenhouse Volunteers

What plant monitoring teams and sowing/up potting teams need to know

Volunteer Signups



We’ll be starting our preparations and setup for the Plant Sale on Wednesday (4-11). We need a lot of volunteers to make this a successful plant sale. Please sign up! Detailed list the Action Plan.


Please join us to plant our seedlings into larger pots as they grow. If you have any questions, please contact Kathy Schlaefli, (541)-601-3174 text or talk or email moosehorns55@gmail.com

Click the "SignUp" button for your choice.

  • Enter your email address: (You will NOT need to register an account on SignUp)

  • Sign up! Choose your spots - SignUp will send you an automated confirmation and reminders. Easy!


Please join us to sow pepper, tomato, and other veggie seeds at the Greenhouse for our plant sale. If you have any questions, please contact Kathy Schlaefli, (541)-601-3174 text or talk or email moosehorns55@gmail.com

  • Click the "SignUp" button for your choice.

  • Enter your email address: (You will NOT need to register an account on SignUp)

  • Sign up! Choose your spots - SignUp will send you an automated confirmation and reminders. Easy!


Daily plant monitoring (watering, tray rotation, etc) starting March 26 through May 12. 3 slots for each day of the week. The watering needs to be completed by noon. Any questions can be directed to Kathy Schlaefli at (541)-601-3174 text or talk or email moosehorns55@gmail.com.

  • Click the "SignUp" button for your choice.

  • Enter your email address: (You will NOT need to register an account on SignUp)

  • Sign up! Choose your spots - SignUp will send you an automated confirmation and reminders. Easy!


Plant Sale Committee Job Descriptions. We have 12 Plant Sale committees to choose from this year! Please share your talents, or maybe learn something new, by signing up to help with the 2022 Plant Sale. Because the committees do not all meet at the same time, please sign up for more than one if you are able to!

News from the Greenhouse

List of Tomatoes and Peppers to be grown in GH

5-10-22 Inventory of Greenhouse plants for the 2022 CCMG Plant Sale

Below is the listing of planned to be grown at the JDC greenhouse for the 2022 Plant Sale.

The varieties were selected because of:

  • 2021 sales on CheddarUp,

  • 2021 tomato taste tests and recommendations from a some CCMGs comparing multiple varieties

  • Several lesser-known varieties that were grown in the 2021 Schlaefli garden that tasted wonderful and seem particularly well suited to the growing season and conditions here in Cowlitz County; at least based upon 2021 conditions. (We did a home trial of 27 unique varieties of tomatoes and a dozen or so varieties of peppers!)

  • To reduce the total number of 2022 JDCGH varieties to a more manageable level.

 Homegrown tomatoes and peppers are very much encouraged for the 2022 Plant Sale (Art Fuller’s bailiwick for 2022); however, the goal is to eliminate variety redundancy and to increase the overall number of varieties available for the plant sale… that’s the reason to provide an advanced list. If you have a favorite variety, or know of a variety, that should be grown and sold at the 2022 Plant Sale and you don’t see it listed below, then those are precisely the varieties that should be put forth to be homegrown in 2022.

Meeting Minutes

Plant Sale 2022 - May 14

May 27 recap meeting


May 5



April 18



April 4, 2022

February 28, 2022

February 7, 2022

January 11, 2022

January 6, 2022

Plant Sale Steering Committee meeting

October 12, 2021

Location for 2022 Plant Sale: Poultry Building/Fairgrounds:

Homegrower Help and News

Art Fuller, Chair

Update 4-5-22—what’s growing

The foundation has approximately 1000 seed packets so there is no need to purchase seeds.

Note- Because of these seed donations, seed purchases were not included in the budget, and there will be no reimbursement for seed purchases.

This is a list of available seeds available.

Seeds and pots (are already available) and soil and stakes will be available.

The home growers are not going to duplicate the greenhouse growers.

Home growers need to maintain their plants until the sale.

Home grower plants will be inspected prior to the sale.           

When to Plant:

•          Early/ mid-February: tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, artichoke, ground cherry. 

•          Mid-to late March: kale

•          Late March to early April: onions, leeks

•          Mid-April: broccoli, cauliflower, salad bowls

•          April 25 to May 1: summer and winter squash (These grow fast and are prone to flopping over.), pumpkins, cucumbers.


Here are just some of the great memories we’ve made during out Plant Sale 2022. Click on the the slide show you’d like to see. Then click on the first image, and use the arrows on the right/left side of the image to move through the slide show.

Video walk-through the plant sale as it looked the night before!

Greenhouse growing! Click to begin slideshow. You can also see ALL of the GH activity photos in Dropbox

Memories from Plant Sale Day 2022