Study Materials

The Magic of CTRL F. Find words in ANY DOCUMENT!

Using the FIND key-combination on your keyboard is a great way to go directly to the information you're looking for. It's a great study tool for checking your quiz and final exam answers.

Let's say the question concerns pesticide labels. Hold down the CTRL button on the keyboard while typing the "F" key--doesn't have to be capitalized. A box will open at the top of the document, and it will tell you how many times that term appears. Then use the arrows to move through all the occurrences.

When you've checked your answer, mark the page and paragraph on your quiz or exam so you can go back to it if you need to.

It’s all here—the entire manual—A great resource for trainees and veterans alike. To purchase a PRINT COPY of the MG Training manual: Copies Today, 403 Catlin, Kelso 360-636-1239. Tell then that you would like a copy of the Master Gardener Training Manual. It will be shrink-wrapped, and holes punched for a 3-ring binder.

Suggestion—as you read through the training manual, read through the quiz for that chapter before you start it. When you find the answer to one of the question, mark the answer, and the page where you found the answer. You can work through all the chapters like this, and at your leisure you can get online and transfer your answers to the online quiz.

Don’t stress about the final exam. Take your time, work through it on paper as you’re studying the chapters. And don’t forget to make a note on it WHERE you found your answer. Once you’ve answered all the questions, it’s just a matter of taking the exam and making sure you enter the answer you chose on the pre-test.