Putting Your Garden to Bed
Growing Garlic
Harvesting Your Garden
Seed Saving—Harvesting Your Seeds
Companion Planting-the real deal!
Grow a RED Tomato in the PNW
Presentation Slides PDF updated 2023
How to calculate how much and how long to water your garden:
This one's great: https://www.purduelandscapereport.org/article/what-is-an-inch-of-water
Build a Lifetime Tomato Cage
Florida Weave
Edible Flowers
Workshop video
Presentation Slides
Vegetable Gardening 101
Starting Veggie Seeds Indoors
Planning Your Seed Starting Schedule
Tending the Garden-When to Harvest
Setting Up A Winter Garden
Extending the Growing Season
Solving Summer Garden Problems
Seed Saving-Planning Your Garden
Vertical Gardening
Accessible Gardening
Food Preservation-The Basics
Summer Watering
Planning a Cool Weather Garden
Early Summer Problems
Container Gardening
Soils and Fertilizers
It’s all here! A huge list that will help you find information to successfully grow veggies in the PNW.
Vegetable Growing Guides
Get a Soil Test
Soil Test submission form
Very reasonable price for a full professional soil test with easily understandable results. This test tells you exactly what to do to optimize your soil. Why waste money on unnecessary or harmful fertilizers and amendment products when you can find out exactly what your garden needs.
Home Greenhouses
Vertebrate Pest Management: Critters in the Garden
Preparing the Garden
Hot Vegetables for a Cool Place—Chip Bubl, OSU Extension