What are the Continuing Education requirements for Master Gardeners?

Currently the WSU Cowlitz County MG Program requires 10 hours of continuing education per year to qualify for recertification. The purpose of obtaining continuing education hours is to improve a volunteer’s knowledge and skill base for performing work as a community educator in horticulture and environmental stewardship.

What qualifies for Continuing Education?

·         Horticultural courses given by WSU, including re-taking of some MG basic training sessions.

·         Webinars, field trips, and workshops sponsored by Extension.

·         Classes offered by accredited institutions: community colleges, technical colleges, and universities.

·         WA State Department of Agriculture-approved pesticide or pesticide alternative classes. Internship Certification Retaining Certification Continuing Education (also called Advanced Education) 6

·         Classes taught by professional associations such as WA State Nursery and Landscape Association, WA Association of Landscape Professionals, International Society of Arboriculture, etc.

·         Time spent doing research preparing a MG presentation which is then delivered to the community (research-time limit of 4 times the length of the presentation).

·         Time spent doing research for a newspaper or MG newsletter article which is then published (limit of 4 hours).

·         Other activities, including training on presentation skills, meeting facilitation, or how programs are planned, delivered, or evaluated, etc., may qualify. Program coordinators must pre-approve these for continuing education credit.

What does not qualify?

·         Food preservation or preparation classes

·         Personal trips and tours not pre-approved by program coordinators

·         Garden craft or photography classes

·         Personal research or reading not related to a specific MG project

·         Travel time to and from events, unless approved by program coordinators.