What is the Difference between WSU Master Gardeners and the MG Foundation?

This can be confusing, because there is a lot of overlap of responsibilities.  The short version is this:

WSU EXTENSION MASTER GARDENERS are volunteer members of a SERVICE organization.  We are given basic training by WSU Extension in many horticultural subjects. We volunteer our time and talents to support the community outreach programs offered by our organization.  Gary Fredricks is the WSU Master Gardener Coordinator.

The MASTER GARDENER FOUNDATION of COWLITZ COUNTY is a 501(c)(3) NONPROFIT organization that FINACIALLY SUPPORTS the programs offered by the WSU Master Gardener volunteers. (WSU MGs are NOT PERMITTED to raise money).  Our Foundation also provides leadership, planning, and implementation of the programs offered by the WSU Master Gardeners.  The current Foundation President leads the board members and the Foundation members.

The programs, workshops, and outreach activities are a respectful and cooperative collaboration between the Extension MG Coordinator and the Foundation.

All WSU Master Gardeners are encouraged to join the Foundation.  However, it is not a requirement to join the Foundation.  As a Foundation member, you will be able to actively contribute to the program planning, supportive fundraising activities, develop your leadership potential and other skills, and be eligible for nomination and vote in the annual election of Foundation Board members.